Living your truth
How do we know what’s true? And, once we know this, how can we live our truth? The closer we can get to the authentic version of who we are, the more truthful we become.
Meeting resistance
There will always be more to release. In fact, the deeper we dig, the more we’ll uncover.
The invisible force that shapes our lives
According to Dr. Gabor Maté, trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. And yet we tend to minimize our trauma.
All that I’ve gained from letting go
It is important to understand why we do the things we do and to understand that everything in life is a conscious choice. Sometimes, a little discomfort is exactly what we need so that we can grow.
Why every time is really the first time
There will never be another right now and the “you” reading this has changed, even from who you were this morning. Let every experience be magical and life will be too.
Especially when it’s hard
Growth doesn’t mean that we do it perfectly every time, because perfection does not exist. People are complicated and so is life. We must be patient and know that, as long as we are consciously making an effort to connect with ourselves, we are creating change. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. Even when it’s hard.
What are you unconsciously carrying?
In life, we often experience setbacks — big and small — that can throw us off balance. When this happens, it is important to pause and consider what it is that we are feeling and why.
The process of transformation is yoga
The process of transformation is yoga. And yoga is the practice of yin and yang, push and pull, effort and ease. To move forward, we need to exert ourselves. But to stay in it, we need to find lightness.
You are energy
We don’t need to stay stuck in the energy that we’re in. In fact, we have the power to change our energy. That’s because energy isn’t something we have, it’s something that we are.
Self-love is self-understanding
The opposite of love is indifference, and this is also true of self-love. We must feel the lows to be able to feel the highs.